Being Catholic is not just a religion, it is a way of life. We view the Church as family, because indeed we are all brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ. How many of us have been worshipping for years, sitting in the same pew, and don't even know the name of the person you are sitting next to, in front of, or behind.
Most Sundays after the 7:30 AM and 9:00 AM Masses we have a breakfast social in the Family Life Center, with coffee, donuts, milk, and juice and a huge serving of fellowship. Sometimes other commitments preclude the use of the Family Life Center in the morning. Because of this, during the morning announcements before Mass, the commentator will state whether there will or will not be coffee and donuts after Mass.
Instead of rushing off, why not come and spend a few minutes getting to know those with whom you praise the Lord? After all, this is your family. Come join us!