Prayer Distractions
Our user asked:
"What if you are distracted externally by the devil during prayer. Should you wait before the distraction is finished. Or should you still go on."
My initial response to this is that you should 'pray through' the distraction. We should let nothing take us away or interrupt our time and conversations with God
If it truly is the devil distracting you (which is possible, because he likes nothing more than to create distance between you and God), then continuing your prayer, using the intercession of the saints to blind yourself to the distraction would be the proper course.
Ask for intercession from your Guardian Angel, implore the help of St. Michael, ask St. Joseph, Terror of Demons, to intercede on your behalf.. The devil is no match for the Saints in Heaven, and since we are in communion with the Saints, well then, he really doesn't have the ability to distract you without your consent. So don't give it.
On the other hand, if these distractions are more wordly distractions, then perhaps a change of place or time for your prayers is in order. Perhaps an uninterupted hour in the adoration chapel in the presence of Our Lord will help you keep your focus and not be distracted. But even there, it takes an effort to pray, and if we allow yourselves, we can even in the Adoration Chapel, become distracted.
Persistence will pay off. Just keep praying, and keep your prayer life going.
God's Grace and Peace to you.