Dear Parishioners:
As the season of Lent approaches, I want to call your attention to a small
change that will take place during Mass, only during the season of lent. To simplify the liturgy a bit during the season, we will not sing the Our Father or the prayer after it (For the kingdom, the power....). The rationale behind this change is, as I suggested above, simplifying the liturgy to be
in the spirit of the Lenten season, whichcalls for more simplicity and reflectiveness. For some of you, I know this will be a sacrifice, as the congregations generally participate very well in the song version of the Lord’s Prayer. For others, and not just the 7:30 a.m. congregation where it is already said not sung, not singing the Our father will be no sacrifice at all. Thanks for your patience and understanding with this slight modification.
St. Margaret Mary Parish is hosting an evening of adult faith formation ob Saturday, February 28.They are hosting a pot luck dinner at 5:30 p.m. after their vigil Mass at 4:00 p.m. After the dinner Mike Fulmer, author of “The “The Fourth Cup” will give a presentation on Abraham and Isaac at 6:30 p.m. St.Margaret Mary is asking for a head count for people who may be attending the event. If you are interested in attending, please contact St. MargaretMary at 643-6124, or visit their web site at to register and find further information.
Speaking of websites, our initial meeting on forming a parish media ministry was very successful! Twelve people attended, and many creative ideas were exchanged. The group will be moving forward with overhauling the parish web site, and creating a group of parishioners who will photograph, chronicle,and inform you via the electronic media of the many events going on in our parish. Thanks to those who
participated, and for those of you who contribute with ideas and talents!