Jesus said go and sin no more, but we are not made instantaneous saints. unless we die on a good day right after confession, how can we live without fearing death since we can never be perfect even if we live to 100 despite prayer and asking for Holy Spirit to help. how can we live focused on grace instead of condemnation?That is a very good question that requires some stepping back and looking at exactly what is a Saint. Someone who is a "Saint" is not that same as someone who is and always was "perfect." Someone who is perfect is someone who is without sin, actual or original. The Church teaches that Jesus and his mother are the only two people born who were ever perfect.
You are fortunate as a Catholic. No matter how many times you stumble and fall, you can always go back and drink from the endless well of forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, where our sins are wiped away and we can try again. Just like St Peter, Augustine, and Paul, God knows we are going to stumble along the way. He loves us just the same.
I hope this has helped.