The mystery of Jesus' Body, Blood, Soul, & Divinity made present for us
Source and Summit of our Faith
My Everything
God’s love and provision of sustenance till we can join Him in heaven
The Sacrificial Lamb
My Lord and my God
The Bread of Life
The True Presence of Risen Christ
75% weekly
20% daily
5% occasionally
Participated via Live-Stream
Online Mass + Family Breakfast
Avoiding unnecessary work
... everything. I get chills every time I receive the Eucharist because it’s when I feel closest to God. With Him in my body it makes me, even more, want to be a better person.
...the basis of our faith. It is the nourishment needed to live out our faith.
...the true Body of Christ, not merely a symbol. And when I receive the body of Christ, while in the state of grace, I receive graces and blessing.
...a promise to live like Jesus.
...God's gift to us of His only begotten Son, Jesus, who gives us life and hope for salvation.
I love our community room. It’s a great place for gathering with friends and family.
Add statues and more spiritual scenes. Add palms or greenery to make it more alive.
It needs more religious artifacts and should be more dressed up.
To me the area of the Community Room is just a buffer between the busy outside world and the prayer place we call church. I can greet another parishioner there before going quietly into church.
The community room looks clean, but not inviting. It looks like we're trying to figure out how to full up the space.
It doesn’t feel like part of the Church... it seems more like an area to socialize.
This is difficult, because the community room is where we interact with our brothers and sisters, which is also most important for sense of family.
The stained glass windows highlights the altar and the natural outdoor setting gives the feeling of being closer to God.
I love the stain glass window with Jesus behind the altar. He looks so loving and welcoming.I think our church shows that we respect the presence of Christ among us. It doesn't need to win awards for design.
Overall design and use of space is optimal as is possible.
Not as beautiful as others. I prefer more gothic look, but St. Luke is beautiful in a modern way.
Altar is usually beautiful with flowers, creche, & other seasonal accoutrements.
Our beautiful Tabernacle thats shows Jesus how important 'He is to us.
The placement of the Way of the Cross behind the nave.
The new choir loft that took up seating for parishioners and is rarely used.
If the parish is to grow in the number of members the existing building is and will be too small.
It really needs to be more traditional to get us Catholics all back to our roots.
The church needs some upkeep. Maybe a plan for routine maintenance.
I would like to see a railing that goes across the altar - to receive communion the old way.
The back section is too far from the altar. It is hard to have a clear view of the altar.
The reverence of the Eucharistic Prayers and Consecration
The reverence with which our priests do the Consecration.
The instrumental piano music after communion.
Not being able to join in the singing.
As much as I like the music, I don’t like to chant the Mass.
Some readers just read the words off the page which fails to inspire. It needs to be read with intention and feeling.
Sometimes the prayers of the Faithful do not address in real way whats going on in our world - the devastation from Covid & Loneliness of our Elderly & missing receiving Jesus out of fear of the virus.
I think the music could be improved. More instruments and better arrangements.
Perhaps smaller Eucharistic processions around campus on occasion.
More holy hours as we did for the victims of abuse.
More continued focus on having company for our Lord in the Adoration Chapel 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
More Eucharist Adoration in the main church with Praise and Worship music. Maybe once a quarter.
Benediction more frequently.
A special adoration time, maybe once every few months for young children, and another one for teens would be great!
I would like a candle light holy hour once a month.
Depending on attendance at Mass, switch timing to allow for fellowship before/after Mass, to make Sunday not just about Mass.
When the church was closed it meant everything to be able to attend adoration outside the Life Center. It gave me a feeling of the love of Jesus, peace and hope.
Adoration has become a part of me. It has provided me a way to deepen my faith and live it out.
It's when I enter into the 'deepest' prayer when I'm in the chapel in front of Jesus.
Since attending my adoration hour on Friday mornings I have become more aware of our Lord working in my daily life.
It humbles me every time I walk in. I feel unworthy to be in His presence. - but his love and mercy permits me to come.
Life-changing! How can it not be when someone is spending time with Jesus!
Just knowing Jesus is accessible to me is a great comfort.
It is a place of refuge for me.
To live our lives as Jesus lived His. Ask God, what do you want of me today, and listen to his answer.Maybe advertising our services and ministries more.
Why not have an evening time slot for Women’s club so not to exclude mom’s with preschool children AND working women.
Continued community outreach and awareness. Many years ago a "St. Luke Connection" was sent out to every resident in the community two times a year, inviting them to join and giving calendar of events.
I think we should have a particular children's Mass, so they can participate, and also, a particular Mass for teenagers to participate along with there peers and parents.
As I mentioned above, (post-covid, if need be), I would really like to see more outreach opportunities for members of the parish...maybe fun family activities: fun run, picnic, Easter egg hunt, pumpkin patch (we had this this past fall, & it was great), etc that could either raise $ for our parish, or for ministries in our parish such as Good Sams or Family Promise.
By knowing and defending the faith by living the Gospel truth living the 10 Commandments.
8 …having Adoration time slots assigned according to particular ministries.
3 …being an official greeter at Mass.
2 …weeding and watering our flowerbeds on campus.
7 …inviting others to commit to Adoration time slots.
0 …joining the Preschool Mothers’ Club.
2 …helping to clean and beautify the church.
2 …signing-up my children to be Altar Servers.
1 …visiting and praying for the Sick.
5 …joining the Welcoming Committee.
2 …volunteering to assist with funeral set-up and clean-up .
4 …becoming an official intercessor for our parish.
18 …offering daily sacrifices and penances for all the souls of our parish.
Have our newly confirmed youth, who usually fall away from the church after confirmation, go to mass weekly on their own and continue to move closer to God and become/stay active in the church.
The idea of the fountain in the courtyard
Fun events for us to gather as a parish to socialize and better get to know each other.
Example: Fais Do-Do
Covering/changing clear chapel & church windows(distracting)
Creating enclosed "cry rooms" in community roomI think God is calling us to invite others to our church personally. There are many Catholics, who are divorced, or have fallen away because of other problems and cannot find their way back to the church.. Maybe we can help.
Advocating for Pro life issues
Enhance the spiritual and corporal aspects of the Parish
I love food and although we have the fish fry nights during lent, i think we should have more during the year and invite everyone to come share in the food and the friendship. parishioners could invite their catholic as non catholic neighbors
Retreats and pilgrimages